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Brittney Fucheck

Brittney Fucheck has exhibited extensively in the Southern United States, particularly Florida, and internationally in France. She has been published in several notable Florida magazines.

A recurring them in Brittney's works revolve around the lingering thought of death often portrayed in the form of fungi or animal carcasses. Through nature, Brittney explores the fragility of potentially losing a loved one or even losing one's own life. Also a reference to the value of natural life, not just human life.

The paintings and printmaking reliefs often come off as scratchy and seemingly disassembled. The compositions are centered on the fungus or animal carcass, usually with a surrounding of debris or animal remains. I wouldn't exactly describe the paintings as morbid because they are often colorful and expressive, but rather like an observation of a natural process of biology.

Through these works, Brittney Fucheck explores the natural world and its relation to the human spirit. I cannot help but think of the relation between these works and the conflicts going on around the world as international human casualties seem to have become a normal sense of everyday contemporary life.

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