Gianluca Bianchino is an installation and mixed media artist who has exhibited extensively in the New York / New Jersey / Connecticut tri-state metropolitan area. Recent solo and two-person exhibitions include features at Mosaic Art Space in Long Island City, New York, New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, Gallery Bergen in Paramus, New Jersey, New Jersey City University, and Rooster Gallery in New York. Some recent collective exhibitions include galleries at Connecticut College in New London, and Tanya Weddemire Gallery as well as Lichtundfire Gallery in New York. Gianluca is a grant recipient from the New Jersey State Council of the Arts and Jersey City Arts Council and has participated in residencies such as Mana Contemporary in Jersey City and William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey. He has been critically published by The Star Ledger and Sculpture Magazine multiple times.

Using both light design and sculptural chaos, Gianluca’s installations and mixed media works appear technological in nature and may resemble disassembled machines and circuit boards, vast portions of the galaxy, or extraterrestrial structures and landscapes. In essence, the art could be described as a deconstruction of familiarity into unregulated constructs seemingly pieced together through improvisation and angular form. Gianluca takes what would otherwise be recognizable asymmetrical geometry and mangles the forms together in a manner which resembles controlled chaos. The intrinsic conceptual value of his work would be in regard to how individual and collective consciousness resonates with identity steeped in fantastical forms and interactions. Although the mixed media works can appear somewhat flat as reliefs, there remain clear sculptural elements similar to Gainluca’s installations as the pieces seem to break out and reveal cavities from within, resonating in interactions not based in illusion but rather of an invasion of personal space through aggressive angularity.

The installations tend to be Gianluca’s strongest works as they create a distinct interactive experience, despite their temporary nature, in regard to their use of light design and manufactured, angular forms interacting with a gallery space. The mixed media sculpture-reliefs appear to be intentionally contained within a framed surface to convey notions of confinement. However, the installations create an invasion of space and help the viewer reflect upon the purpose of relationships of forms and light, redefining the purpose of abstraction beyond aesthetic qualities.

An Attempt to Communicate with Reality (pictured above) creates a stunning visual experience based in light design and manipulating space to reflect a manufactured environment to resemble a natural one such as the cosmos. Through the use of shadows and luminosity as well as what appears to be an orchestration of photography umbrellas, the stunning experience reflects the purpose of directing light to impact the audience in a manner which can be regarded as hallucinogenic and mesmerizing.

Gianluca Bianchino remains a thoroughly experimental artist willing to push boundaries beyond comfortable notions of form. His work can be regarded as anti-commercial due to their temporary nature or abrasive and confrontational intentions. He concocts a realm engaged with concepts of reconstructing imagined environments to have deeper meaning beyond surface aesthetics and purpose of materials. The artworks convey ideas of unregulated space and how we can deconstruct notions of comfort and familiarity into forms which reflect dynamic friction and action.