Jeroen Allart
Jeroen Allart is a contemporary painter who is represented by Jan Van Hoof Gallery, Zerp Gallery, Galerie Vis in the Netherlands and Contempop Gallery in Tel Aviv. His works remain in collections throughout Europe and recent exhibitions include galleries such as Annie Gentils Gallery in Belgium, Frank Taal Gallery in Rotterdam, and Flatland Gallery in Amsterdam. Participation in recent art fairs include Art Paris, Art Rotterdam, Art Fait Venlo, Art Brussels and Jeroen has been published in catalogues and magazines throughout The Netherlands.
The body of work consists of oil on canvas paintings ranging from a wide array of subject matter from birds to interiors to landscapes, women, and cowboys. These paintings typically study their subjects within the confines of space, either negative space or complex, busy compositions. Containing muted, bright and pastel-like tones with a sense of flatness, Jeroen’s subjects often appear as if rendered in a silkscreen print rather than a painting.
With a sense of grand poetry and theatrics, Jeroen’s figures appear almost like puppets with their angled joints and wooden form. His paintings of birds and foliage typically use negative space strategically to direct a composition, whether circular, angular, or central. Jeroen’s interiors have a distinct contemporary appearance with clean edges, forms, and often containing interesting and unusual color schematics such as red and white or bright colors against earth tones. Consistently, the paintings communicate a sense of contemporary design principles regarding flatness and separation of clean, crisp forms. Although the paintings may appear naturalistic, they are actually quite stylized using basic geometry and gradation of tone to indicate form.
Copy of Red Kitchen (pictured above) contains an intimate space which could be a dining area in a home or even at a diner restaurant, if ignoring the title. The velvety crimson laid against a backdrop of neutral tones creates a pop art effect. Enhancing both flatness and three-dimensionality, the light reflection on the table becomes indicated by just flat stripes of neutral purple against an off-white surface. The red radiator squares off the composition into block-like forms followed by a flowing array of white tiles. Jeroen’s painting becomes composed like fine wine at a banquet.
Jeroen Allart creates mysterious paintings which reflect the nature of solitude and interactions with space. His figures and birds appear as if they were symbolic representations rather than representational in their flattened and angled forms. With landscapes and interiors, Jeroen delves into creating serene spaces which explore the confines of both open and closed compositions. Powerful yet poetically moving, Joroen Allart shapes and invokes provocative interactions through elastic and vibrant color schematics along a flattened surface of carefully composed and refined compositions.