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Kristin Hart

Kristin Hart is a landscape and nature photographer who has exhibited across the United States, in London, and she is represented by Los Angeles based M Herrington Gallery. Recent exhibitions include participation at art fairs such as Intersect Aspen in Colorado, the San Francisco Art Fair, Intersect Palm Springs in California, and Scope Miami Beach. Kristin has displayed her work at The Other Art Fair in Los Angeles, London, New York City multiple times, and Chicago. Her clients and collaborators include patrons such as home style brand Marie Claire, United Airlines, and Robb Report luxury lifestyle magazine. Kristin’s photography remains in public and private collections worldwide. 

These photographic works altered in Photoshop and similar editing programs are photographed on location at exotic landscapes and scenery and manipulated with color layer variations. Kristin’s most interesting works tend to be her depictions of various cacti and Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert, which stretches from California to Nevada, and the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. She also visits and captures locations such as Palm Springs, South Beach, Miami, and the Oregon Coast. 

The various photographic series range from theatrical to minimalistic to reflecting almost pop-art like qualities with neon and bright pastel overlays. Typically containing high contrast and strategic coloring, she accentuates fauna, skies, and parts of the earth. Whether through clever compositional angles or advanced coloring, the scenery becomes depicted in such a way to leave an impression of being unreal or imaginative. However, these exotic and remote locations are indeed real but given a dreamlike effect through the editing of the atmosphere and hues. Kristin breathes new life into landscape photography by turning grand natural scenes into intimate compositions through the capturing of strategic angles which focus on fauna and vast negative space with earth and / or sky. With neons and pastels, the photographs pop out to the viewer in clean, crisp high contrast form. 

Desert Dreams 2 (pictured above) almost seems alien, like a landscape from an imaginative Jules Vern or other fantasy novel. The vast negative space of the sky starts off with a pool-like bright cerulean blue morphing into a muddy Prussian blue with large portions of white clouds taking up the space. The various cacti range in lucid colors from hot pinks to light magentas to phthalo yellow green, sap green, and viridian and even to cadmium yellow and orange. She uses the filter of editing programs enhancing the natural coloring to be even brighter and bolder creating a dreamy effect. Desert Dreams 2 surrounds us with cacti throughout the bottom composition, capturing a flowerbed-like shot reminiscent of impressionist painting scenery but with unfamiliar foliage. 

Kristin Hart captures exotic locale and nature with a sense of spirit and grandeur. These digital photographs with their enhanced coloring create feelings of fleeting, precious moments. The high saturation in some of the photographs leave aged qualities as if taken with an analog Polaroid camera instead of digital. Through coloring and varying control of saturation she alters the atmosphere to reflect poetic and contemporary aesthetics towards natural environments. Kristin Hart injects and redefines a sense of purpose in landscape photography through tranquil and misty effects with clever editing and capturing angled compositions.


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