Liz Slome

Liz Slome is a figurative painter who has exhibited consistently in New York City with solo shows at All Street Gallery, LTV Studios, Semerjian Gallery, and Montauk Beach House. Recent group shows in New York include Lucore Art, Invitational Art Show, and Greenpoint Gallery. Liz’s work has been featured on Saatchi Art in multiple collections including Why We Love Art Magazine, Best of Portraiture, Emerging American Artists 2023, and New This Week and her work has been featured in their catalogue. Her art has also been published on the cover of Nada Que Decir book by Tusquets Editors based in Barcelona.

The paintings typically portray women often looking away or their faces cropped out of the composition, but sometimes not. These women in the paintings are fashionable and sometimes have abstracted stripes integrated with their backgrounds. Liz paints with a refined naturalist palette with smooth brush strokes and clean, lush colors. Unlike many naturalist painters, Liz does not place subtle colors inside each tone next to each other and instead creates clear distinctions in hue. Such examples can be seen clearly in how she paints solid, bright forms such as attire and tiles.

Ranging from retro figures from the 1960’s and 1970’s to contemporary women, she infuses both metro styles as well as countryside outfits. Liz’s compositions are often complex, busy, and contain great balance. The backgrounds in the paintings typically display interiors, architecture, or nature such as areas of natural water. Sometimes portraying athletes, all of her subjects have athletic body types whether portrayed as an athlete or not, representing a fashionable idealism. Liz portrays women with a sense of confidence and comfort with their surroundings. These paintings express a sense of refinement and prestige in presenting women in command of their surrounding compositions with clear, crisp colors and precise brushwork.

The Lookout (pictured above) represents Liz’s finest painting. The composition comes across as a perfect upside down T with the crane and outback looking figure acting as counter-balances with each other, facing in opposite directions creating a pulling tension. With a refined outback hat, the figure comes across as lean and relaxed, almost leather-like, similar to the figure’s attire with her stretched athletic appearance.

Liz Slome comes across as a confident painter with immense technical skill and a talent for sophisticated composition. She composes scenery much like an orchestra conductor and presents women in idealized and fashionable forms of beauty reflecting a Vanity Fair-like aesthetic. Rarely does a contemporary figurative painter create compositions which breathe as easily and smoothly as Liz Slome’s paintings. Her paintings appear as if she whispers life onto the canvas, revealing characters interacting with their fascinating environments.

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